This week's good news: a real-life anti-coal vigilante & 21,872 sea turtles

Happy Friday! I hope your week was full of wins, sunshine, and love.

I don't have much to say in this intro today, but it was another week full of really great news. I'm amazed every day by the progress in the natural world, improvements in government policies around the world, inspiring leaders taking action, and so many climate solutions I come across.

Time for you to be amazed too!

Enjoy these good stories? I (Jacob) research, fact-check, write, record, and post everything by myself. Consider subscribing as a supporter and/or sharing this newsletter to help Climativity continue to exist! Thank you in advance for helping the world be a little more positive, I couldn't do it without you 🌎🌏🌍💚.

The good from Friday, July 28

Photo by Vivek Kumar / Unsplash

Three whales jumped in almost perfect unison as a man was out celebrating his 59th birthday which he deemed a whale ballet, and after watching I can see why!

👑 Romania’s oldest running fashion event officially went fur-free this year as they enter their 7th year of promoting sustainable fashion.

A company called Autoflight just successfully flew three of its self-flying electric air taxis at the same time, following their successful world-record-breaking 155-mile journey, and plan to enter production on these next year.

A new species was discovered in LA named the Los Angeles Thread Millipede which has 486 legs, is as thin as pencil lead, and is completely blind, relying on hornlike antennae to guide its way.

The good from Monday, July 31

Photo by Anna Jiménez Calaf / Unsplash

👑 A real-life citizen vigilante named Junior Walk has been fighting harmful coal mines, despite a lot of hate and backlash, by flying his drone around and documenting environmental violations on video thus far leading to several fines for coal companies.

Three more heroes bravely rushed to collect all the pets left behind in an evacuated city in Canada which was in the path of a fire, ultimately saving over 30 dogs and several cats.

Climate-related lawsuits have more than doubled in the past 5 years to 2,180, as people are holding more governments and corporations responsible for reducing greenhouse emissions or suffering consequences when they don't.

Egypt is building Africa’s largest onshore wind farm which could slash annual emissions by 9% and save $5 billion every year in energy costs.

The good from Tuesday, August 1

Photo by Waldemar / Unsplash

Wild tiger populations have increased in Bhutan by 27% since 2015 thanks to better initiatives that stop poachers and work with local communities on conservation.

The first new US nuclear reactor in over 30 years is officially up and running after 6 years of delays, generating carbon-free electricity for an estimated 500,000 homes and businesses in Georgia.

This stunning building in Düsseldorf, Germany is covered in 30,000 young hornbeam trees which don’t shed their leaves in winter and thus provide year-round shade from the sun, insulate the building from noise, improve air quality, increase biodiversity, and just look beautiful.

👑 The largest landfill in Latin America located in Rio De Janeiro was shut down a decade ago, underwent a massive rewilding program, and is now a mangrove forest full of 35,000 trees, crabs, snails, fish, and birds.

The good from Wednesday, August 2

Photo by Max Gotts / Unsplash

👑 A record-breaking 21,872 turtle nests were recorded in a 9.5-mile stretch of beach in northern Palm Beach County in Florida, with experts crediting environmental protection practices for these increased numbers of loggerheads, leatherbacks, and green turtles

Following three intense weeks of negotiations at the International Seabed Authority meetings in Jamaica, deep-sea mining was not given the go-ahead, meaning our deep seas and all the beautiful life within them will be protected until the next session in mid-2024.

Recent extreme heat has actually been helping the production and ripening of dates in Arizona, which are built for desert climates (and are one of my favorite snacks, especially stuffed with peanut butter).

The UK has reduced single-use plastic bags from major supermarkets by 98% since 2014 when they started charging for them with the average person now taking just two single-use bags a year, compared to 140 before the charge was introduced.

The good from Thursday, August 3

Photo by Vlad Hilitanu / Unsplash

New rules in California would officially take sewage water, extensively clean it, and send it to the tap for people to use and drink, with claims that this will actually be "the cleanest drinking water around" and provide a more reliable water supply mitigating droughts

A new study in the Caribbean found that artificial reefs can help seagrass productivity and growth by attracting fish that bring along vital nutrients and in return improve the entire marine ecosystem

5 Indonesian men started a TikTok group called Pandawara with over 7 million followers where they clean up local beaches and rivers, helping with urgent trash issues after flooding, and props to them for doing so much good.

👑 Amazon deforestation in Brazil decreased by 60% in July compared to last year, meaning Brazil continues to stick to its promises and improve upon the 34% decrease from the first 6 months of the year.

Bonus actions to take

At the recommendation of a friend (thanks, David!) I started to make a post dedicated to actions, recommendations, and partners that will serve as an ongoing place to find some good to do. It's a work in progress, but every single thing I recommend on here, I personally use or have done over the past year.

Check it out and I'll continue to update as I try new sustainable swaps, actions, and activities!  

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See you again soon,


P.S. some important info:

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