Jacob Simon

Jacob Simon

Brooklyn, NY
Four animals drawn in a cave

This week's good news: the only spotless giraffe, Ecuador votes out Big Oil & the tree of the year

Hey, you. What a week! Since the last time we talked, I had one of the best weekends in memory
5 min read
A courthouse ceiling from the floor

This week's good news: IRA turns 1, Texas sues Big Oil & cathedral-like trees!

Hey, good personal news, my sister Jessica (and soon-to-be brother Dave) are getting married TOMORROW! I'm in Chicago
6 min read
A section of the Grand Canyon

This week's good news: Kpop4climate, 1 million protected acres & smart butterflies

Hey, happy Friday. What a week this was! Despite several days of rain here in NYC, things are still shining.
6 min read
Heart hands over the sun

This week's good news: a real-life anti-coal vigilante & 21,872 sea turtles

Happy Friday! I hope your week was full of wins, sunshine, and love. I don't have much to
5 min read
A horse in the wild

This week's good news: wild horses, solar canals, and canceled pipelines

I remember in High School when Snapchat first came out and I didn't get the point. Why have
7 min read
A beluga whale up close

This week's good news: 57,000 Beluga whales and carbon-negative cement

A very happy Friday to you, friend! How was your week? I had the fortune of taking a trip to
6 min read
A giraffe sticking out their tongue

This week's good news: giraffes return to ancestral home and a solar panel breakthrough

Happy Friday! I'm back home in NYC and overjoyed with how many people are joining our movement of
6 min read
JULY spelled out in letters

This week's good news: Asia's tallest tree, healthy coral, and moss

Happy July! The seventh month of the year is here, which means we're officially more than halfway through
4 min read
This week's good news: the first smartphone-free island

This week's good news: the first smartphone-free island

I'm back! Kind of. I'm currently in London, England, on a 2-week extension after my time
4 min read
This week's good news: Austin, Texas wants to end fossil fuels

This week's good news: Austin, Texas wants to end fossil fuels

Happy Friday! As you're reading this, I'm traveling to the south of France for an exciting
4 min read