To save the whales, Wholes Foods bans lobster
My experience of fishing is sitting by a stunning lake on a sunny morning, casting into the water, and enjoying
Gas usage may have officially peaked!
For years, we've been hearing about the rise in popularity and usage of renewables and the slow but
You can charge your car by driving... your car
One of the biggest complaints about owning an electric vehicle is the charging. Gas stations are well-established around the world.
Sharing this protects the planet
We're getting towards the end of 2022 (somehow), which means it's almost that time where we
Meatless meat is here
If you don't eat meat, it's likely for either health, moral, or environmental reasons. But what
A sleek induction stovetop is the future, and it plugs into your wall
I personally have an induction stovetop (by a good stroke of fortune) and let me tell you, it's
A beautiful crab was rediscovered after 225 years
Ok, it's not the crab pictured above for copyright reasons, but the Afzelius’s crab (Afrithelphusa afzelii) was
Remember what I told you?
GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING. I feel pretty great today, do you?
I've been going for a run every morning as
[FYF 29] More rainbows & DIY microwave popcorn
Every day that I sit down to write this letter, I reflect on why Climativity exists and how I can
Climate change is serving us more rainbows 🌈
That's right, researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa uncovered that new weather patterns will lead to