no. 102: Electric pizza

Hey friend,

Happy Friday! It's been a hot and sunny week here in New York, and the taste of summer has energized the city even more.

If you're in the US, this is likely an extra-special Friday because it's a three day weekend (thanks, Memorial Day).

Whether you're commemorating/participating/celebrating or not, I hope you can enjoy the extra free time and let's manifest some time spent outdoors with the sun shining. I'm planning on going hiking in upstate New York, and can't wait!

We have lots of really great stories this week including a bunch of endangered species doing better thanks to protections and hardworking people, some increased traction in the world of sustainable fashion, pizza, comedy, and lots more.

Enjoy it all and as always, let me know if you caught another good story that I missed!

Enjoy these good stories? I (Jacob) research, fact-check, write, record, and post everything by myself. Consider subscribing as a supporter and/or sharing this newsletter to help Climativity continue to exist! Thank you in advance for helping the world be a little more positive, I couldn't do it without you 🌎🌏🌍💚.

The good from Friday, May 17

Photo by Dušan veverkolog / Unsplash

🛡️ The Endangered Species Act established in 1973 has about 1,700 species listed with 1,400 recovery plans and has prevented an estimated 300 species from extinction, with notable recoveries like the Santa Cruz island fox which I got to see in person earlier this year. (CBS & Nature Conservancy)

🐋 Fin whales are making a comeback in the Southern Ocean with their population now over 50,000 in just the Scotia sea thanks to the end of whaling and abundance of krill to eat, and just imagining seeing 50,000 of these massive whales makes me so happy. (Institute of Marine Research)

🐺 A pack of endangered red wolves just welcomed the most adorable new litter of eight pups after reintegration of a male wolf into the wild after 7 years as biologists are working hard to raise their wild population. (BBC)

🐢 Bangladesh has recorded the highest level of Olive Ridley turtle eggs in several years, counting 12,425 which is a 53% increase from last year thanks to conservation action and increased awareness amongst locals. (Mongabay)

The good from Monday, May 20

Photo by Brenna Huff / Unsplash

🍕 Since pizza boxes can’t really fit into recycling bins but New Yorkers love our pizza, the Central Park Conservancy added a pizza box specific recycling bin that can hold 50 boxes and while it’s a bit gimmicky it can help a bit with the city’s trash problems. (Secret NYC)

⚡️ In more pizza news because why not, electric pizza ovens are on the rise that get just as hot as wood or coal ovens, are easier to train new employees on, and retain heat better so are the best option to comply with pollution rules to keep giving us one of the best foods ever made. (NYT)

🤣 Comedians are finding success in layering climate topics into their comedy routines which is offering an entryway into serious topics and getting people to support climate advocacy groups and spread awareness showing the power of laughter. (LA Times)

🌞 The US now officially has over 5 million solar installations with this massively accelerating and expected to double by 2030 led by residential solar where systems are installed on homes and businesses, plus ground-mounted solar as well. (SEIA)

The good from Tuesday, May 21

Photo by Sander Weeteling / Unsplash

🌬️ Wind repowering is on the rise where older turbines are retrofitted and revamped to be more efficient, better looking, and quieter, with about 2500 turbines getting renovated in the US to affordably generate more clean power. (GNN)

🚫 A new US bill with bipartisan support is aiming to permanently end funding for live tissue training, where law enforcement deliberately harmed animals to then practice treating the injuries, which is outdated and unnecessary with modern simulators. (WAN)

☀️ A study shows that floating solar panels could be an adequate alternative to new dam construction across Africa by creating more reliable energy with less environmental disruption. (Anthropocene Magazine)

The good from Wednesday, May 22

Photo by Jay Kudva / Unsplash

🚴 Biking can literally extend your life, according to several studies showing that cycling one hour a week decreases the likelihood of premature death by 22%, strengthens our immune systems, and decreases arthritis and knee pain, so ride on! (NPR)

🏞️ A family in Austin, Texas declined a $130 million offer for their land from developers planning to build thousands of houses and buildings and instead sold the land to the county for much less and are turning it into a public park for everyone to use. (Texas Monthly)

🔄 Eight Caribbean countries have formed an alliance to implement circular economy solutions like collecting and recycling beach trash while working with governments, businesses, and communities to help end plastic pollution. (Mongabay)

✝️ Catholic nuns have joined other faith-based advocates in pushing for corporate accountability like demanding Citibank and others stop financing fossil fuel projects on Indigenous lands without proper consent, and they’re not gonna stop their activism until these human rights violations stop. (Inside Climate News)

The good from Thursday, May 23

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm / Unsplash

🧑‍⚖️ The New York Fashion Act continues to gain traction to force big brands to increase accountability by mapping supply chains and reducing emissions with support from nearly 100 brands and figures like Angelina Jolie. (The Fashion Act & Vogue)

🧤 The secondhand clothes market is set to double by 2027 which is cheaper, more sustainable, and stylist Aja Barber explains it’s creating a sense of community and acts as a gateway into environmental and social justice. (Positive News)

🍤 Leather made from wasted seafood shells is a real thing made by TômTex and is becoming more mainstream by getting featured on talk shows, continuing a trend of ethical material alternatives that are better for the planet. (The Drew Barrymore Show)

💸 A Vestiaire study found that fast fashion actually tends to be more expensive per wear because secondhand clothes are worn an average of 4-8 times more than fast fashion and held onto about 31% longer. (PR Newswire)

Bonus stories

Want to See Community Solar Done Right? A Project in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Can Serve as a Model - Inside Climate News
The solar array in L’Anse, Michigan, is an example of using renewable energy to meet both financial and social goals.
NASA, IBM Research to Release New AI Model for Weather, Climate - NASA Science
Working together, NASA and IBM Research have developed a new artificial intelligence model to support a variety of weather and climate applications.
BLM proposals would end coal leasing in Powder River Basin
The plans would stop new mining projects in the nation’s largest coal-producing region in Montana and Wyoming.

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Last note if you made it this far: I'm launching something good news related (obviously) on YouTube in the coming weeks. Subscribe now so you don't miss it!