For the first and only time: a new plastic treaty & France promotes biking
Happy June! Somehow, it's already the 6th month of the year.
And happy pride month!
It was a
GOOD NEWS: we can ban private jets
Hey! Howdy! How's it going?
If you're reading this when it's sent (Friday morning
This week's good news: Amazon rainforest preservation and fully charge your EV in 5 minutes
A very happy Friday to you!
I spent the week in San Francisco attending a launch event for an electric
This week's good news: No more styrofoam takeout & animals are returning to Australia
Hello, friends. Happy Friday!
Quick question: Is this your first time getting this Climativity newsletter? The 5th? 20th? I wanna
Parrots learned to Facetime & self-healing mushroom leather
How's your Friday going so far?
I'm writing this Thursday night, but if my day starts
The most news we've ever had!
Hey, beautiful.
Take a deep breath, hold it, and let it out.
We made it to Friday!
I hope you
A lot has changed
For the first and only time, it's April 21, 2023. And it's a great day!
This killer whale will be released after 50 years
It's Friday, y'all!
I went for multiple long bike rides this week, and as the cold
Lawyers refuse to prosecute climate protestors
Very happy Friday to you all! Give yourself a high five because you deserve it, and enjoy this week'
Mushrooms are eating our butts
Who else is ready for the weekend?! You (almost) made it and deserve to reward yourself for that.
With ice